JUNE 12-13, 2024 (Online- CET- Time )

About CENS-2024

Welcome esteemed colleagues and participants,

It is with great pleasure and excitement that we open the doors to the Cognitive and Experimental Neuroscience (CENS-2024) Virtual Meeting, scheduled for June 12-13, 2024 (CET- Time Zone). As we gather in this digital space from various corners of the globe, we embark on a journey of exploration and discovery within the realms of neuroscience.

CENS-2024 serves as a convergence point for innovative minds, where the boundaries of cognitive science and experimental neuroscience intertwine. Over the course of these two days, we aim to delve into the frontiers of the human mind, navigating through the intricacies of perception, cognition, behavior, and the underlying neural mechanisms.

Our agenda features a rich tapestry of keynote speeches, panel discussions, paper presentations, and interactive workshops crafted by pioneers and emerging scholars in the field. Whether you are a seasoned researcher, a budding scientist, or simply curious about the latest advancements in cognitive and experimental neuroscience, this event is designed to cater to all levels of expertise. It's an opportunity not just to share knowledge but to forge new collaborations, sparking conversations that propel our understanding forward.

As we navigate these unprecedented times, the virtual landscape offers us a unique platform to connect, learn, and collaborate despite physical distances. We encourage active participation, insightful discussions, and the exchange of ideas that push the boundaries of what we know about the human brain and behavior.

To all participants, thank you for your commitment to advancing the frontiers of cognitive and experimental neuroscience. Let's engage, learn, and inspire each other as we embark on this intellectual journey together.

Welcome to the CENS- 2024 in June!

Warm regards,

CENS-2024 conference Committee



Dates to Remember

Early Abstract Submission
15 APR 2024
Extended Abstract Submission
25 APR 2024
Early Bird Registration
17 APR 2024
Regular Registration
10 MAY 2024

Featured Speakers

Elizabeth T.C. Lippard

Dell Medical School, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Lily Hechtman

McGill University, Canada

Iyad Ghanim

Kean University, School of Communication Disorders & Deafness, USA

Anne Katrin Schlag

Chartered Psychologist and Head of Research at Drug Science, UK

Christopher Arnatt

Saint Luis University, USA

Arthur Zecchin

School of Physical Education and Sport of Ribeirao Preto, Brazil

James L. Sherley

President and CEO, Asymmetrex® LLC, USA

Howard E. Gendelman

Director of the Center for Neurodegenerative Disorders at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, USA

This Event Advantage to Enhane Your Future


CENS-2024 is one of the top international conference focusing specifically on research and clinical translation of neurological disorders, cognitive science and experimental neurosciences.



Hear from renown leaders, sharing invaluable insights on cell and gene therapies and discuss the latest findings and trends.



CENS-2024 international community of scientists at the forefront of Neurology and medicine is the place to be to create new successful partnerships.
